Artikel Rumah Mungil Yang Sehat di Copas-Translate Peserta Lain untuk dijadikan blog dummy. Sebelumnya artikel blog saya Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia juga di copas orang lain. Duh ada-ada saja mereka ini, kenapa sih nggak miliknya seendiri saja yang di copas ? Tadi saat saya lihat-lihat teknik seo peserta lain saya temukan halaman berikut ini isinya :
A Healthy Tiny House
A Healthy Tiny House or Rumah Mungil Yang Sehat ~ Houses, estuary end of each person after a day of activity. Unwind, enjoy peace, happiness stringing. From the house also new energy comes from, pursuing a series of major stock next life. For the sake of creating comfort in the home, many things can be done. Among others by maximizing every part of the house. When our homes are small, creating a Healthy Tiny House is the right choice.
A variety of reasons people choose to have a Healthy Tiny House or Rumah Mungil Yang Sehat. The high price of land, especially in urban areas, encourage people to be creative to build a small house but multi-functional. The number of family members a little, usually only consists of nuclear families, ie both parents and children. The room was spacious would make it easier when cleaned, did not take long and can be made at any time. Maintenance costs are relatively few, such as for repainting. Economic burden, such as electricity bills, water and also the value of land and building tax, are also relatively smaller.
There are several things to consider in creating a Healthy Tiny Houses. The availability of clean water a major factor. The division of the room is tailored to the needs, such as sleeping space. That is well ventilated will help circulate the air inside the house is maintained. Room kitchen, dining area of adequate sanitary facilities. Cleanliness became a necessary condition that must be met. Utilization of the space for the family room should be considered. Selection of appropriate furniture and does not take up much space. A Healthy Tiny House certainly will make every residents feel welcome to stay in it. And happiness will be created in a comfortable home, stay polished with relations between members of a harmonious family.Let’s race to create a Healthy Tiny House or Rumah Mungil Yang Sehat, family’s dream of Indonesia. Let Tiny, Convenient and Functional fixed course.
Setelah saya amati kok saya nggak asing dengan tatacara penulisannya akhirnya aku coba cek di google translate dan ternyata 80% itu adalah hasil translate artikel saya Rumah Mungil Yang Sehat. Dan aku lihat link ternyata di link ke artikel milik kontestan yang lain. Entahlah siapa yang melakukan hal tersebut ? Kok menyedihkan banget mau buat artikel aja kok merugikan kontestan lain. Saya sungguh kecewa banget …